
Fun little blog about various things

Exploring brainfuck: Crafting a good interpreter.

October 01, 2023 — matthilde

Brainfuck is a simple esoteric programming language invented by Urban Muller in the 90s. This programming language contains 8 rather low-level commands to control a tape and perform operations on it. Despite its extreme minimalism, it is a Turing-complete programming language (meaning you can in theory write any algorithm with it) and that means there is room for a lot of wild cool stuff to do on it :). In this series of blogposts (hoping it does actually turn into a series), I will explore brainfuck and see what I can make out of this simple language.


Rolling my own 6502

September 30, 2023 — matthilde

Original publishing date: Sun Dec 11 09:16:17 PM UTC 2022

I always liked making emulators for some reason. A few years back I worked on the VICERA fantasy console. I also worked on a CHIP-8 emulator that I will eventually publish (whether I publish it or not, you're not missing much...). But I wanted to go further.


The VICERA: Part I

September 30, 2023 — matthilde

Original publishing date: Sun 13 Sep 2020 06:50 PM


VICERA is a 8-bit fantasy console heavily inspired by many aspects of the Gameboy architecture (mostly in the CPU). All the core components are written in standard C. Only main.c and the SDL front-end aren't. That means it is pretty much portable and writing your own front-end should not be a difficult task.


Programming a Roguelike in arround 350 lines of C.

September 30, 2023 — matthilde

Original publishing date: Wed 29 Jul 2020 02:52 PM

NOTE: Contains broken english.


Roguelike is a popular arcade video game genre where you play as an hero that explores randomly generated dungeons. These are very cool games to play but it's also auite easy to program a simple, small one. This is why I made a roguelike as my first actual C project.

The program stands in a single c file of arround 350 lines (excluding blank lines and comments). Source is available in this Git repository.
So today I am going to explain how I have made this game.


A new beginning for blogging

September 30, 2023 — matthilde

I have been thinking about this for a while: Should I restart the blog? The old version of my website used to have a blog, I wasn't often writing in it but it had a couple posts that I wrote across a span of 2-3 years. The reason why I dropped it was because I couldn't find the motivation to write blogposts anymore.

This has kind of changed recently. I feel like I should post blogs, maybe more than before in more concise formats. I didn't want to make my own blog system nor using something fancy like Hugo. So I am sticking with bashblog.

So yeah, welcome to my new blog! I might repost old posts I really liked in it with under a repost tag. Enjoy!

Tags: meta

This is a test blog post.

September 30, 2023 — matthilde

This is a test. This blog post is only here to ensure that everything works fine. This is only a test EBS static noise thing

Tags: welcome