================================================ Read macros from: /home/microwave/.fldigi/macros/macros.mdf ================================================ QTLEC oepse l o ˆ8kd Iota : EU-025 Hw? SQ9DXJ de IT9PQO pse kn2taif0 d itl Ëd id tseeeneo l no i e i e,r|t i oe rýfon lo so ot õMetde ei ae 4 0andi Bandi Q TH:..Cegled Cegled LOC:..JN97VE JN97VE QSL via eQSL.cOind/ord5reau. BTU F4IFP/P F4IFP/P de HA7BA HA7BA pse kn e-QSL.cc/LoTW/iQSL Hrdlog Hope to meet you again dear Jerzy God bless you and yours! SQ9DXJ de IT9PQO sk sk s d3 Tony 73!!! SK u er ietS o/aodeo¼p =tei e aee elÈeitm o o¯ *oe enytt Be ite utation info: XCVR:...FT-84; PWR:....50 W Ant.:.....W3DZZ and 3 element Yagi antenna Softw.:..digi 4.0.16 on desktop PC F4IFP/P F4IFP/P det=A7BA H OA TNX for BPSK31 QSO on 14071.203 GILLES, 73, good luck! F4IFP/P de HA7BA sk )aeea ¼  nm r s- n htat i aia ej foe ree Ke et -eo kr l tft tn te lllö ite cr o z1u ek Çe eAet DXJ pse k ees e ee œ ftt BPSK31 cO on 140it203 GILLESm73, good luck F4IFP/P de HA7BA sk on ia i ¤yUet S e oy wire on balcony *oft. HRD k y oiftB e t ct 5 i u,eytie oe oegod e ller eltaa o ñ0BFM de IT9PQO than ks for PSK31 QSO logged 06/02/2022! QSL only : e-QSL.cc/LoTW/iQSL Hrdlog Hope to meet you again dear Hanspeter God bless you and yours! HB9BFM de IT9PQO sk sk l+t ai oEe 1,ur:eiF t e ne eFt e e co(lt7oe io T Oerz t ¹e€alouo w e